The Boys

Hello we are Whisky and Brandy – that’s me in front in the photo above. In another life we had different names, I was called Coco and my smaller brother went by the name of Carter.

We do not have an actual proper breed in our make up but our mum was a Border Terrier who had a date with a Jack Russell, so we are a bit of a mix.  I take after my Mum but my brother takes after Dad. You can tell that by his bowed back legs and he can run fast, faster than me really – well he is lower to the ground anyway!

Our early years were spent with an elderly couple who after some time sadly could not look after us properly. So when we were about two and a half we ended up at Waggy Tails, a dog charity near Bournemouth.  They had the bright idea that we brothers should stick together so that meant we were there for nearly a year until T and K came to rescue us.  It was an ok sort of place being clean, dry and we were fed, watered and walked but it was not a home.  To be honest we had had enough of the place.  We finally left in about January 2015.

Well shortly after we arrived at our new home with T and K, as we know them, we were carted off to the vets for a bit of a MOT and things.  We were weighed and our coats were pulled about a bit.  Things stuck in our ears and elsewhere but all ok.  I could have told them that if the vet, very nice lady, had asked.  While we were there, T and K bought us a new bed, collars, leads and FOOD!  Brill we loved it all.  The next day we went for a hair cut which as you can see from the photos that T took of us was very long and shaggy. I heard the word Rastafarian spoken a lot, not sure what that meant, but when we got back that all stopped and smiles were seen all round and we had loads of compliments. Actually I quite liked the experience being brushed all over and I know we both felt loads better afterwards.


Us on Salisbury Plain – what does live firing mean?

We have settled in really well and love being with T and K.  We love the long weekend walks (mostly off lead) on Salisbury Plain with T and always come back for a snooze, even T.  If you want to know anything about tanks just ask us, they are green, big and noisy for a start!  At the moment we prefer the countryside more than the town.  Each morning we do have a quick early walk (6am) to the local park.  This really is much more than we have ever done before and it does take some getting used to.  My brother Brandy still gets quite frightened by other dogs and tends to bark at them a lot but he is getting better.  Me, I love being off lead making new friends and rushing about.  I am into mole hills at the moment, literally, and often get told off for having a mucky snout, as if I care!  Brandy is good at finding pheasants and deer (Munkjat and Roe mainly) when out on the Plain.  Strange he does not bark at them but runs and runs and runs after them.  Don’t know where he gets the energy from. T always has a dog whistle with him which he blows telling us to return, which we do most of the time straight away. Well he does gives us both a treat when we do and a bit of a talking to when we don’t.  While up there we now have our coats done with a comb like brush called a ferminator.  It looks painful but actually we both like it and K does as it means there are less our hairs around the house.

Shortly after we became members of the T and K household  they bought a motorhome which they call Roxie.  Not sure why but they seem happy with it.  Well we have been out in it a few times and we both love it.  It means we go to new places and that means new things to sniff out while on new walks.  I think I should tell you all about our adventures in Roxie in the T’s next blog, if I can work out how.

Usually if there is only T in the van then we both snuggle up together on the front seat where K sits.  The seat gets  covered with a towel thing, the sort that they use to rub us down when we get wet. Its great up there as we can see where we are going and look down on people for a change! (also dogs says Brandy).

When we stop somewhere we are put on long leads with the handle loop placed around the tow bar ball.  Its quite good as we get to both sides of the van and even to just inside.  Well most of the time this works until we get ourselves tied up in knots chasing things under and around the van.

Night time is cosy in the van and we get more attention too, lots of lap time and we do not need to go into a dog cave either.  Its also easy for us to go to for a walk as we are just let out.  That only happens when we are alone on the site. Brandy escaped once when we were away staying at a pub last time – straight into the bar!  His excuse was that he was chasing the pub cat but I think he and T went in for a quick drink.  T took a long time to come back with him I remember.

Well thats all from me for now maybe Brandy will add something later when he wakes up.  Check the stories (blog) that T puts on here as no doubt he will put some more photos of us in them
